Fresh Tomato Chili Sauce
In this family recipe, garden fresh tomatoes, bell and hot peppers, onions, fresh lime juice, brown and white sugars, and other ingredients are brewed into a zesty, richly flavored sweet chili sauce.
Large pot with the tomatoes in it on medium heat for an hour.
Eliminate any liquid or foam that is extra.
Add the desired amount of salt along with the bell peppers, onion, vinegar, white sugar, brown sugar, and chile peppers.
Simmer for 3 to 5 hours on low heat to reduce and thicken the liquid.
to taste, adjust the seasonings.
Chili sauce should be taken off the heat after any foam has formed.
Provide 1/4 inch of headspace when pouring into hot, sterilised jars.
Adapt the lids.
Process in a bain-marie of boiling water for 10 minutes.