Strawberry Crescent Roll Shortcake

Strawberry Crescent Roll Shortcake

Strawberry Crescent Roll Shortcake
Use crescent roll dough to make a quick and delectable strawberry shortcake that can be served for breakfast or dessert.

Set the oven to 325 degrees Fahrenheit (165 degrees C).

Use parchment paper to cover a baking sheet.

In a food processor, blend 1/2 cup strawberries with water until smooth.

In a saucepan, mix 3 tablespoons of sugar and cornstarch.

Add strawberry puree.

About 5 minutes of stirring and cooking should thicken the strawberry sauce.

Add the lemon juice and the remaining 2 cups of strawberry slices.

Place aside.

Raise the dough.

To make 4 double-rolled crescents, stack 1 crescent on top of another and roll up beginning at the smallest end.

Each roll should be brushed with half a teaspoon of heavy whipping cream and dusted with half a teaspoon of sugar.

Bake crescents for 20 to 25 minutes, or until golden brown.

Transfer to a wire rack and allow to fully cool.